22 May 2006

Single-sign-on (SSO) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA)

Today I'll share a few thoughts and design issues when dealing with Single-sign-on (SSO) and Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) (or read John Reynolds's SOA Elevator Pitch). SSO is a pipe-dream that's been around since the dawn of computing, where you sign into one service, and if you need to enter other services and those services is under the domain of where you first logged in, you're already logged in and your session is with you. (If any of this didn't make sense I fear this post is not for you; it is rather technical :)

Our problem

We're a big organisation with a diverse set of operating systems, servers and skilled people. We've got Solaris (servers), MacOS X, Windows and Linux (servers and users), carefully spread across both servers or users, although most users are Windows, some MacOS X. We have bucketloads of different services, from backend servers and logging stuff, budget applications, HR systems, issue tracking tools, wikis, time reporting tools, staff directories ... too many to count. I spend a significant part of a week logging into systems, some of them with different usernames and passwords.

For many years, vendors have pushed their various SSO solutions on us, most complicated and fragile, some better but with a lot of work, and a few reasonable ones. We've created a few minor and sub-par ones ourselves. They all are pretty expensive systems though, not nescessarily from a purchase angle alone, but certainly from an implementation stand-point; lots of work needs to be put in to configure, implement and maintain these systems. Lots of people in the IT industry deals with SSO as their prime job.

SSO systems usually tries to handle the problem of user identity, or co-operate with other systems, such as LDAP and X.500, or pure authentication such as Radius or even Kerberos ticketing systems. Then applications themselves store bits of stuff in their local session, some user information in their local database, synchronises some of that out, but mostly keeps it to themselves. There are lots of problems here, so let's talk about what I'd like to see them do.

A better system

Here's what I would want from a better system ;

  • Web Services API

  • User identity management

  • Roles and groups management

  • Profile management

  • Session handling

Most a) SSO, b) user management and c) session management systems are either just one of these three, or is too linked into some technology (Windows only, or Java only, or LDAP only, etc). We need one that does all of this, elegantly and simply, and through web services, and notice that web services is the first point on that list; if it ain't web services, it's not a solution.

A design I'm considering with my collegues is a simple database system with users and groups, a default profile attached to each user, a default session data blob, a timer mechanism, and the ability to add application-specific data blobs over time (using the same XML schemas). The only interface into these goodies are through a web service; REST or SOAP in, and a generic XML schema (Topic Maps based) out (or embedded in SOAP out).

By doing it this way, any system in the future is technology-agnostic outside the world of web services; we're not tied to Java, Windows, LDAP, whatever. It's very easy to implement into exsisting application (even applications who never thought that they would be part of a larger system such as this), partly by removing complex code (code that does either user management, session handling, and possibly some degree of SSO; out with it, and replace it with web services instead) but also because all of our platforms knows XML in such a basic form.

Now, since this is SOA, it becomes apparent that there's a great lot of oppertunities for innovation here, especially within rapid prototyping and testing out various functionality, mixing in experimental services and so forth; we can create simpler PHP scripts to try out an idea, hack some Perl to discover some new semantics, or use Ruby to put up exciting new applications, or chuck stuff into Lucene without worrying about what technology the data is coming from. It also makes good for dealing with scalability and performance issues; smaller bits are easier to move around than large ones, and these issues can now be handled on the network level instead of within your chosen development technology (instead of designing an application to handle distributed transactions, you split the transaction further up the pipe and design your application simpler; less complex code to worry about).

Finally, we've looking at reusing OSUser from Atlassian (they're working on next next generation of their user-management module called AtlassianUser, but they're difficult to squeese info out of; will it be open-source, will it be available to others, when is it due, etc?), but if you know of alternatives, please let me know.


  1. the font is very difficult to read.

  2. This font is one of the uggliest I have ever seen. This makes your blog almost unreadable.

    1. Hiya, thanks for pointing it out. I didn't change it, so some automatic process must have done it since the last time I fiddled on the blog ... which is some time ago, I admit. Fixed now. I think. :)
