5 August 2009

Can I ask you a favour? (Does social media actually work?)

Hi everybody. Could I ask you a favour? I'm not getting much response to my quest for a unified software architecture ontology, so could I humbly ask you to blog, tag, link or otherwise gossip about my previous post on the matter? I would really appreciate it, and I promise I'll share my findings with you all.

(My subtitle "Does social media actually work?" is a blatant attempt to get circulation going by mocking the whole debacle which I try to, ahem, you know, promote. Thanks.)


  1. Part of your problem is that you really need to fix the link for your "previous post" http://http//shelter.nu/blog/2009/07/ok-so-let-me-say-from-get-go-that-im.html - try: http://shelter.nu/blog/2009/07/ok-so-let-me-say-from-get-go-that-im.html

  2. :) Thanks, fixed; the first link worked fine but in a huff of copy'n'paste there's a double http:// in there. Sorry 'bout that.

  3. can you put your previous post in a tweet? its to long to read;-)
